Rock Your Garden: Crafting Succulent Sundaes with a Twist
July 19, 2025 10:00 AM –12:00 PM
Join us at Boomdyada during the Canton Farmer's Market for a fun Saturday morning, creating colorful Succulent Sundaes with live plants!
Rock Your Garden: Crafting Succulent Sundaes with a TwistJoin us at Boomdyada for an event where you can let your creativity bloom! The Canton Farmer's Market will be underway as well, and you can combine shopping and our workshop for a fun-filled summer Saturday morning! At this hands-on workshop, you'll learn how to create unique succulent sundaes, layering colorful rocks in clear glass containers and planting a succulent garden on top!. Our expert instructors will guide you through the process, sharing tips and tricks along the way. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting out, this event is perfect for anyone looking to add a twist to their greenery. Don't miss out on this opportunity to mingle with fellow plant enthusiasts and take home your very own succulent masterpiece!
** Limited spots available, book your seat today!**
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